Album: » kharej mel 7it »available on iTunes, Amazon , Musicload ……….
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Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods.
True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for an extended period of time.
ted3i wet7awel tettaka…lin yjik ennoum…wet9oum,
t9oul hethi modda wtet3adda…wekel modda eddoum… lel youm
wijik nhar t7eb thed li dayer bik lkoll
3inik 7mor wa7adha eddama3,mel A3SAB wel gholl
tkharej rassek wetsi7,welbarra la3bed ettol
etbarred dammek,t9oum tghanni,welli 7sol 7sol
we9ef 3al BELLAR « wel wa9t th9il »
we9ef 3al BELLAR « 9olli chbech ysir »
la3wem tet3adda wtetbaddel…mais nharek ki koll lioum…wet9oul,
hethi modda wtet3adda…9alou chay ma ydoum…lel youm
wijik nhar t7eb thed li dayer bik lkoll
3inik 7mor wa7adha eddama3,mel A3SAB wel gholl
tkharej rassek wetsi7,welbarra la3bed ettol
tbarred dammek,t9oum tghanni,welli 7sol 7sol
we9ef 3al BELLAR « wel wa9t th9il »
we9ef 3al BELLAR « 9olli chbech ysir »
wedmou3ek kil lme,fi atwel nhaar
t7eb ra7et el bel,t7eb ettafi hennar
tkhaf melli jey, t7awel tensa li saaar
t9oul ma tkhamem fi chay,wenti mballa3 afkar
ted3i wet7awel tettaka…lin yjik ennoum…wet9oum,
t9oul hethi modda wtet3adda…wekel modda eddoum… lel youm 🙁
wijik nhar t7eb thed li dayer bik lkoll
3inik 7mor wa7adha eddama3,mel A3SAB wel gholl
tkharej rassek wetsi7,welbarra la3bed ettol
etbarred dammek,t9oum tghanni,welli 7sol 7sol
we9ef 3al BELLAR « wel wa9t th9il »
we9ef 3al BELLAR « 9olli chbech ysir »