Auteur/autrice : TunisieRap Album: » kharej mel 7it »available on iTunes, Amazon , Musicload ………. Facebook Page : Youtube Chanel : Lyrics: liouma ektachaft li baba tla3 Robot ommi mel pakisten,khouya bou zoro tleya3 mel 7it,ghariba boudourou alfin so9rat ybi3 fel kethba bel kilou etra wet katheb,wel 9essa chab3a khiout athka men ad-hem sabri,rebelle ki robin hood a9wa men film hendi wa9wa men hollywood la3bed fi Tounes t3awed ta7ya wetmout bledi gharriiiiiba fi 3alem gharib sa7bi ma tefhem chay,chab3a akathib « operation Tounes » al baladoul 3ajib boutoulet gregorios fechecha 3an 9arib (mouthaharat 3ajiba) chab3a cameraouet,tchikh 3al oumour hetheya famma li ysammih film,wli…

Read More Album: » kharej mel 7it »available on iTunes, Amazon , Musicload ………. Facebook Page : Youtube Chanel : Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods. True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for an extended period of time. Lyrics: ted3i wet7awel tettaka…lin yjik ennoum…wet9oum, t9oul hethi modda wtet3adda…wekel modda eddoum… lel youm wijik nhar t7eb thed li dayer bik lkoll 3inik 7mor wa7adha…

Read More Album: » kharej mel 7it »available on iTunes, Amazon , Musicload ………. Facebook Page : Youtube Chanel : check out : Lyrics : wa9ti mouch mkhasses bech nseb wnetthamer i..i´am a hustler ned-hek mariouli mchammer 3chiri mouch jey nal3eb en7eb fann lebled yetawer n7abbeb ennes fi b3athhom,nkhalli echa3b ettounsi mnawer lkhebra dji bel « 3amal » wmouch ken ebarcha klem barcha korh wbarcha char kharej men chab3a affem kabber 9albek tmanna lkhir,khamem « ila el amem » la taflim la sie7 sa7bi tharben ellougha 9dem men guir ma nti7 nfarkes echkoun fehom 9leb el vista mokhi mel mechekel teplanta ki windows…

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